fre.cmor.cmor_finder module
fre cmor find because ian got tired of typing things like the following in bash…
varname=sos; table_files=$(ls fre/tests/test_files/cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables/CMIP6_*.json); for table_file in $table_files; do echo $table_file; cat $table_file | grep -A 10 “”$varname””; done;
- fre.cmor.cmor_finder.cmor_find_subtool(json_var_list=None, json_table_config_dir=None, opt_var_name=None)
finds tables in the CMIP json config directory containing variable data of interest. prints it out to screen, intended largely as a helper tool for cli users.
- fre.cmor.cmor_finder.print_var_content(table_config_file=None, var_name=None)
one variable printing routine- looks for info regarding var_name in table_config_file