fre app
fre catalog
The fre catalog tool brings the functionality of the GFDL catalog builder to fre users. The catalog builder is a python community package ecosystem that allows you to generate data catalogs compatible with intake-esm.
Buildcatalog - Generate a data catalog
Validate - Validate the catalog
Overwrite - Overwrite an existing catalog at the given output path
Apend - Append (without headerlist) to an existing catalog at the given output path
Catalogs are generated by the following command: fre catalog buildcatalog <INPUT_PATH> <OUTPUT_PATH>
(OUTPUT_PATH should end with the desired output filename WITHOUT a file ending) See example below.
fre check (not yet implemented)
fre cmor
Fre cmor can be used to generate CF-compliant netCDF files. The tool changes metadatea to align with the latest CMIP standards.
Run - Rewrite climate model output
Indir - Path to non-cmorized netCDF file(s)
Varlist - A dictionary of variables to process.
Table_config - Path to cmor tables
Exp_config - Path to configuration schema
Outdir - Path where output will be generated
Find an input file for processing.
Create a varlist.
“sos”: “sos”
#. Run the tool. Ex. (fre cmor run –indir=<path to input directory> –varlist=varlist –table_config=cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables/CMIP6_Omon.json –exp_config=CMOR_input_example.json -o outdir) fre list (not yet implemented) ——–